Friday, July 4, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Trailers.  I absolutely love them.  Also known as movie previews, trailers (and teaser trailers) get audiences worked up and helps word-of-mouth spread for a movie that is probably still a few months off.  One of the best cases of this was when Transformers was released in summer 2007.  A trailer for a movie came on that didn't have any known actors or a hint of what was going on other than a city under attack.  Towards the end of that fantastic piece of screen tease, all that was shown was the name of executive producer JJ Abrams and the date: 1-18-08.  That was the release date for Cloverfield.  Like the trailer before it, I absolutely loved the Cloverfield movie.  But even people who didn't like the Blair Witch shaky-cam style of film making in Cloverfield admitted that the teaser trailer was extremely well done and the main reason why they went to see the film.  This brings me to The Day The Earth Stood Still.
Before the screening for Hancock on Tuesday, we were shown a trailer for The Day The Earth Stood Still.  Starring Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly and Kathy Bates, DTESS is a remake of the 1951 black and white film of the same name.  I've never seen the movie but have heard about it many times and how it "tells the story of a humanoid alien who comes to Earth to warn it's leaders not to take their conflicts into space, or they will face devastating consequences." Source: Wikipedia

Being a big fan of alien invasion films, the trailer has me very anxious 
to see this one. The original is currently sitting on the top of my 
Netflix queue. It should arrive by mid-week. Can't wait.

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