BEFORE: My previous home theater signs that welcome visitors upon entering my living room.

By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11

By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06

By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11

By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06

By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11

By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06

By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06

By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06

By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11

By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2010-01-06
By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11
NOW: My new sign. I no longer have HD-DVDs but I did for awhile and will keep the sign as is.
By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06
First thing you may notice is that the walls were pink. Maria deals with my home theater gear spending, I deal with her insane color choices. :)
BEFORE: Toshiba 50" RPTV showing a high-definition feed from DirecTV. Surrounding the monitor are Definitive Technology Pro-Cinema 80 front and center speakers
By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11
NOW: My new monitor is the Samsung 61" DLP HDTV. The front and center speakers remain the same, as does the sub. Notice the newer insane color choice.
By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06
BEFORE: My equipment from top to bottom: Harman Kardon AVR 430 Receiver, Parasound 855a Amplifier,
Panasonic RP56 DVD Player, Pioneer 510 DVD Recorder, DirecTV High Definition TiVo/Receiver,
GameCube and Xbox consoles, Def Tech sub to the right with D-Link bridge for Xbox Live
By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11
NOW: My equipment clockwise from upper left shelf: Onkyo TX-SR607 Receiver, Def Tech Center Speaker,
TiVoHD Receiver, Xbox 360, Western Digitial 1TB My DVR Expander, Nintendo Wii, Sony Playstation 3
By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06
BEFORE: Home Theater Master Universal Remote
By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06
NOW: Harmony One Universal Remote
By angelpagan, shot with Canon PowerShot SD450 at 2010-01-06
BEFORE: Left Surround Speaker
By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2009-04-11
BEFORE: Right Surround Speaker
By angelpagan, shot with C3040Z at 2010-01-06
I'll add the NOW pictures of the surround speakers shortly after taking down our Christmas tree.